
v.附加( append的现在分词 );添加;贴上;签(名)
appending 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Best practices - email appending is not a prospecting tool .
- 最佳做法-电子邮件后缀,是不是一个找矿的工具。
- This idea was still being practised as late as the 19th century , when the us government sanctioned rainmaking experiments that consisted of appending explosives to balloons and kites .
- 直到19世纪仍有人尝试这种做法,当时在气球和风筝上捆绑爆炸物进行降水实验是得到美国政府批准的。
- Appending chinese language names to medicine labels : the effect on nursing staff label recognition efficacy .
- 加注中文药名对护理人员辨识药名之影响。
- Add the third item : add the special appending requirements for abroad design and national production supplier .
- 增加了第三条:对海外设计,国内生产供应商的特殊附加要求.
- It was the first " webmail " system ( allowing people to send and receive email using an internet browser ) and its makers had the brilliant idea of appending a footer to every message sent stating that it had been sent by hotmail and inviting the recipient to " get a free hotmail account " at .
- 它是第一个网络邮件系统(使得人们能够通过网页浏览器收发邮件),且它的制作者们聪明地想到了在每封邮件上都标注上页脚以表明这些邮件都发自微软电邮并且邀请收件人在上申请免费微软邮件账户。
- Also , additional request parameters can be supplied by appending new elements in this array .
- 另外可以给数组添加一些新的数组元素,因此我们可以给转跳请求附加一个参数。
- Finding something worth sharing is good , but adding value by appending new information is even better .
- 找到值得分享的东西当然很好,但要是加上新内容增加其价值,就更好了。
- Appending a minus sign to the option explicitly disables it .
- 将减号追加到此选项将显式禁用它。
- Appending can occur only at the end of the media .
- 只能在媒体的结尾处追加备份。