

CET4考 研

apologise 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Reports in 2008 made similar allegations , prompting baidu to apologise publicly .
- 2008年的报告也对百度有类似指控,还促使其进行公开道歉。
- As a child you might have overheard your parents apologise for your shyness .
- 若你是小孩子,可能无意中听到父母因为自己的害羞而向别人道歉。
- Yet the reluctance to apologise for the previous government 's spending splurge runs deep in the party .
- 但是对肆无忌惮花钱的前任政府作出道歉的不情愿性又深深植入党内。
- Nato refused to apologise for thelatest attack on a rebel convoy of tanks and troops .
- 北约拒绝为上次为袭击了为叛乱者护航的坦克和军队而道歉。
- History is contingent , the authors apologise , but history is what they hope to explain .
- 作者们道歉说,历史是偶然的,但是历史就是他们希望去解释的。
- He even knew when and how to apologise if he annoyed dr pepperberg orher collaborators .
- 如果他把佩珀伯格博士和他的合作者惹烦了,他甚至知道该在什么时候以及如何道歉。
- Either way , it went down badly and I apologise sincerely for any embarrassment caused .
- 不管如何,结果不太好,我真诚地为我所带来的任何尴尬而道歉。
- Although going along with the inquiry , they still want israel to apologise for the killings .
- 虽然土耳其也答应了联合国的调查,但仍然希望以色列能对本次袭击事件进行道歉。
- Mr romney refused to apologise for being successful and retorted that bain created far more jobs than it destroyed .
- 罗姆尼拒绝为自己的成功而道歉,并反驳称贝恩创造的就业远比销毁掉的多。
- Once he understood that compromise was necessary he had to repudiate the left , not apologise to it .
- 在他明白有必要妥协后,他本来应当拒绝左派,而非对其道歉。