They found that marriage actively makes men nicer - or at least less likely to indulge in antisocial activities .
These could include antisocial traits and lack of emotional warmth for example .
Burt is now investigating other environmental influences on antisocial behavior , from parenting to peer groups to the neighborhoods where kids grow up .
There are even some interesting studies suggesting that such antisocial behavior can be modified with parental coaching .
Crime and antisocial behaviour are represented as the predations of the poor on each other , or on the middle and upper classes .
Antisocial behaviour in teenagers may be due to brain abnormalities that cause them to be aggressive , according to a new study .
In the case of expulsion or execution , the result over time would be that traits promoting antisocial behavior would be reduced in the populations .
The final experiment flipped the question around : instead of looking at prosocial behaviours they looked at antisocial behaviours .
Some psychotherapists , sexologists and religious counselors say sexual fantasies should never be acted out because such activity might serve as a stepping stone to pathological , antisocial or even violent behavior .