

anna 变化形式
易混淆的单词: AnnaANNA

anna 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Until recently anna worked crazy , long hours selling software .
- 直到最近安娜发疯一般地工作,长时间地出售软件。
- White carnations were a favourite of anna ' s deceased mother .
- 白色康乃馨是安娜已故的母亲最喜欢的花。
- Santa anna was taken prisoner and forced to recognise the texas republic .
- 桑塔安娜战败被俘,被迫承认德克萨斯共和国的地位。
- Moscow -- russian spy anna chapman has become the new celebrity face of a moscow bank .
- 莫斯科俄国间谍安娜查普曼已经成为了一家莫斯科银行的新的名人。
- During the next nine minutes anna makes the same mistake over and over again .
- 在接下来的9分钟时间内,安娜犯着同样的错误。
- 1 Anna murphy embraces rural life staying in traditional mongolian accommodation .
- 1安娜.墨菲住在传统的蒙古包里,拥抱蒙古的乡村生活。
- Who killed anna politkovskaya , russia 's best and bravest campaigning journalist ?
- 谁杀了俄罗斯最优秀、最勇敢的战地记者安娜波利特科夫斯卡娅?
- But something tells me that anna 's true story will not end on this unfortunate note .
- 但是我觉得有些事暗示着安娜的真实故事并不会以这么不幸的一笔而终结。
- Besides , behind all anna 's grace and poise is some pretty tough resolve .
- 另外,在安娜优雅而平静的外表之下有一颗相当坚定的决心。
- Anna zegna suggests a polo shirt or white cotton shirt , open at the neck .
- 安娜泽尼亚则建议,穿马球衫或白色棉质衬衫,敞开领扣。