

abbr.anchored filament 锚定式灯丝;antinu clear factor(s) 反核因素;antinuclear force 反核力量

anf 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Russell worked at ibm , bob at sports illustrated , andrew at footlocker and godiva chocolatier ; todd at apple ( aapl ) ; scott at eddie bauer , abercrombie and fitch ( anf ) , and ann taylor ; chris at nbc sports and neiman marcus ; tyler at henry bucks in australia , brioni , and harry rosen in canada ; and linda worked at her own family business .
Distant anf fullof sorrow as though you had died .
Tony speaks english anf the plays tennis .
The results show that qiangxin powder can significantly increase the plasma level of anf and decrease that of a ii .
Now , retailers and manufacturers warn of plans to push up prices on nike ( nke ) sneakers , hanes underwear , abercrombie & fitch ( anf ) and polo apparel , ugg boots and other products when fall lines hit the racks .