I pay , and walk into space littered with paintings of flappers revealing boyish bodies , androgynous greek gods twisting into each other , austrian jewelry boxes that reveal mistresses enjoying their men .
Jokes about androgynous guys in fashion magazines notwithstanding , this is actually happening .
His work has shown that boys with androgynous names tend to misbehave and become disruptive as soon as they hit high school .
Some people think girls with a more androgynous style are just sloppy or lazy , but many of them care just as much about their appearance as other girls .
Conclusion : in general , androgynous students had better interpersonal competence and relationship adjustment than other sex role orientation groups .
She didn 't wear makeup , dressed in baggy , androgynous clothing , sang western songs -- and romped to victory , with 3.5 million viewers casting mobile-phone text votes for her in the grand finale .