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- Anders behring breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison friday morning in an oslo courtroom for his twin terror attacks in norway last year .
- 去年在挪威制造了两起恐怖袭击事件的布雷维克(andersbehringbreivik)周五上午在奥斯陆一个法院被判21年监禁。
- A year ago this week anders breivik shot dead 69 people in norway which , by american standards , has tight gun-control laws .
- 一年前的这个星期,安德斯在挪威射杀了69人,相对于美国标准,挪威有着严格的枪支控制法律。
- Anders borg , the finance minister , still thinks that in the long run sweden should join the euro .
- 安德斯柏格,法国财政大臣仍然认为,长远考虑下,瑞典应该加入欧元区。
- A former group chief executive , anders moberg , remembers kamprad spending a seven-hour train trip to france asking passengers what they thought of his company .
- 前集团首席执行官安德斯莫贝里还记得坎普拉德曾花7个小时的火车前往法国,在火车上询问乘客对本公司的看法。
- Afghan special forces demonstrate a raid to rescue hostages for nato secretary-general anders fogh rasmussen at a commando training center in kabul .
- 阿富汗特种部队在喀布尔的突击队训练中心为北约秘书长andersfoghrasmussen展示营救人质时的突袭训练。
- Anders behring breivik , a far-right extremist , shot dead at least 68 people at a political youth camp run by the ruling labour party and set off a car bomb in central oslo that killed at least eight others .
- 安德斯贝林布雷维克,一名极右极端分子在一个执政党工党举办的政治青年营开枪打死至少68人,并且在奥斯陆中部引爆一枚汽车炸弹另外导致8人死亡。
- The finance minister , anders borg , has shown genuine skill in handling the financial crisis and its aftermath .
- 财政部长安德斯展示出真实的处理经济危机及其后续影响的能力。
- Anders borg , sweden 's respected finance minister , concedes that the jobs situation " will remain difficult " .
- 颇受人尊敬的瑞典财政部长安德斯伯格不得不承认就业状况仍然不容乐观。
- Yesterday in brussels , secretary of defense leon panetta , along with spanish president jose luis rodriguez zapatero and nato secretary-general anders fogh rasmussen , announced plans for a new ship-based missile-defense system in spain .
- 昨天,国防部长里昂帕内塔,西班牙总统约瑟和北大西洋公约组织秘书长安德斯在布鲁塞尔宣布了西班牙舰载导弹防御系统新计划。
- Nato chief anders fogh rasmussen says the alliance has conducted a successful test of its missile defense system for europe .
- 北约秘书长拉斯穆森说,北约成功地进行了一次欧洲导弹防御系统实验。