When does the switch from analog to digital broadcasting happen ?
Basic cash registers - and really , cash itself - are analog dinosaurs in the digital jungle of financial transactions .
This is when the duke team had some fun with their laser-trapped neutron star analog .
On the analog side of life , 39 percent know their home address , 27 percent can make their own breakfast , and 37 percent can write their first and last name .
The converter boxes will allow consumers to maintain their free , over-the-air television service even on older analog television sets .
The first phase -- perfection -- is experienced in both analog and digital . Perfect duplication made the modern world and modern music .
However , even though a digital signal is better quality than an analog signal , it isn 't necessarily high definition .
The new radios weren 't as effective as the department 's old analog equipment , and improved radios weren 't introduced until 2003 , mr. cassano said .
After analog broadcasting ends , the only signals people will receive over the air will be digital .
Digital cameras , for example , play a digitized version of an analog shutter .