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- Ammar will talk only in person .
- 阿马尔将讨论仅在人。
- Ammar was released four days later .
- 阿马尔是四天后获释。
- Some people suggested that general rachid ammar , the army commander who is credited with persuading mr ben ali to flee , should replace the current prime minister , mohammed ghannouchi , a technocrat who loyally served under the previous regime .
- 有些人提议曾经说服过本-阿里逃跑的军队司令官里奇-安马尔(rachidammar)将军,应该代替在前政府任职的专家政治论者、现总理穆罕默德加努希(mohammedghannouchi)。
- Although the authenticity of this statement are difficult to discern , but caused a lot of people questioned : since amar to be interviewed , has returned reunited with bin laden in pakistan , then the cia will not find osama bin laden tracking ammar it ?
- 虽然这个说法的真伪还难以辨别,但引起了不少人的质疑:既然阿马尔能接受采访,又回到巴基斯坦与拉登重聚,那么,中情局就不会跟踪阿马尔找拉登吗?
- Ammar says the government 's program may also be susceptible to corruption and budget shortfalls .
- 安马尔说,这个政府项目还可能受到贪污腐败和预算短缺的影响。
- According to tradition , islam 's prophet mohammed received his first message to preach islam while he was praying in the cave . ( Hassan ammar / ap )
- 根据传统,伊斯兰的先知穆罕默德是在此洞中祈祷时,首次接到为伊斯兰祈祷的信息。
- During the mass , shiite muslim leader ammar al-hakim , son of the head of iraq 's most powerful shiite political organization , walked into the church .
- 在弥撒中,什叶派穆斯林领袖、也是伊拉克势力最大的什叶派政治组织领导人之子哈金步入教堂。
- Brigadier-general amid ammar , who has policed iraqi traffic for more than 20 years , says surveillance cameras might be next .
- 陆军准将amidammar,这位担任超过二十年伊朗交警说监督录像也许会在不久出现。
- Al wallaje , west bank : israeli border police officers remove a palestinian demonstrator who was trying to block an excavator during a protest photograph : ammar awad / reuters
- 约旦河西岸alwallaje:以色列边境警察将抗议游行中一试图身挡挖掘机的巴勒斯坦男子带走(路透社ammarawad)。
- My other son , ammar , was released four days later .
- 我的另一个儿子,阿马尔,是四天后获释。