

amiably 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The original michelin man , who has been chatting to rose off and on throughout the meal , amiably repeats his plate-carrying role .
- 原来那个米其林公司的人会时不时地和罗斯聊各种有关饮食的事,还和蔼可亲地重复着自己端盘子的经历。
- He chatted amiably with dorothy .
- 他亲切地跟多萝西聊天。
- I smiled amiably , trying to appear friendly .
- 我亲切地微笑着,试图表现得很友善。
- Neighbors sat on the stoops chatting amiably on hot summer nights and bored boys threw cats from rooftops to pass time .
- 邻居们在燥热的夏天夜晚里坐在楼梯里亲切地交谈着,无聊的男孩门把猫从屋顶上扔下来以此来消磨时间。
- Most of the time , particularly in public , he always smiles graciously , so amiably .
- 大多数时候,尤其在公众面前,他总是露出平易近人的微笑,显得和蔼可亲。
- Obama at first saw in lula , whom he once amiably called " my man , " a useful hemispheric interlocutor .
- 起初,奥巴马看到了卢拉,和蔼可亲的人,他曾经被称为“我的男人,”一个有用半球的对话者。
- Asked captain clark amiably as she entered the ship 's canteen and spotted the young ensign , deeply engrossed as usual in a paperback novel .
- 和蔼可亲地问克拉克上尉她走进船舶的食堂时,发现在一本平装小说的年轻少尉,像往常一样全神贯注地深入。
- After his other visitor leaves , pachauri greets me amiably .
- 他的访客离开后,帕乔里友善地跟我打招呼。
- My most friends said my individuality amiably , nicely deeply loves the family is gently my characteristic .
- 我的多数朋友说我个性随和、富有女人味的女人。温柔善良热爱家庭是我的特性。
- At the drab wooden house in which she lived he said good night briefly and amiably .
- 到了她住的那幢黄褐色的木头房子前,他简短而友好地道了晚安。