英音  ['ɔ:ltərɪŋ]    
美音 ['ɔ:ltərɪŋ]    


v.改变,更改( alter的现在分词 )

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Mr moscovici now says that he will lighten the burden on capital gains for entrepreneurs , though he has ruled out altering his plans to tax capital and work equally .
The obama administration , in effect , is altering america 's long-standing commitment to the status quo in the gulf , believing that change in bahrain - as in egypt , tunisia and libya - is inevitable and desirable .
Despite some recent , well-meaning official noises about altering the law that bans britain 's monarch from being or marrying a catholic , arguments over religion are in fact getting tougher .
Princess elisabeth of belgium ( shown holding her sister , princess eleonore , next to her grandmother , queen paola ) is next in line for the throne , thanks to a 1991 act of succession which created full cognatic primogeniture , altering the order of succession from eldest son to eldest child .
George papandreou , the prime minister , has floated the idea of constitutional reform that would put an end to old-time patronage politics by cutting the number of legislators and altering the electoral system .
The most troubling and longstanding problem raised by organ transplantation has involved altering the very definition of death , since to transplant a vital organ , the donor 's organs must still be alive .
Justine greening , the transport secretary , will soothe outlying critics in parliament by altering the route .
Aside from altering the design of clinical trials , the new data raise difficult financial questions .
They then began altering those plans on their own , causing unnecessary and incorrect work to be done .
That 's news in itself , but more interestingly , they 're also altering the breaking news category to emphasize real-time reporting .