
allergens 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This flexible measurement platform can be customized to detect pathogens , allergens , and toxins , quickly ruling out multiple biohazards simultaneously .
- 这种灵活的测试平台可以定制为检测致病菌、过敏原和毒素,能够在同一时间快速地排除多种生物危害。
- These unknown allergens , if allowed to continue , will trigger inflammation and weaken the immune system .
- 这些未知的致敏源如果放任不管,将会引起炎症以及减弱免疫能力。
- Regarding elimination diets , please see my answer above regarding food allergens and migraine .
- 关于饮食控制法,请看我上面对食物过敏和偏头痛的回答。
- Potential allergens such as nuts were also identified , but not listed in the ingredients .
- 一些如坚果类的潜在过敏原也在检测中被发现,但同样没有标注在药品成分里。
- You need help in avoiding allergens .
- 您需要帮助避免过敏原。
- Allergy producing substances are called allergens .
- 产生过敏的物质称为过敏原。
- So what 's behind all these newfangled allergens ?
- 所以所有这些新的过敏原背后是什么?
- Helps reduce the discomfort caused by pet allergens .
- 有助于减轻因宠物过敏引起的不适。
- The end result is decreased sensitivity to allergens .
- 最终的结果是减少过敏原的敏感性。
- One of the best ways to keep allergens out is to never bring them inside in the first place .
- 最好的方法之一就是永远在第一时间内使他们避免接触花粉。