ait 变化形式
易混淆的单词: aItAitAiTAItAIT
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- Study on killing rat activity of sophora flavescens ait .
- 苦参杀鼠活性研究。
- Some people tried to analyze why applicants have so much psychological stress when going to ait .
- 有人分析为什麽去美国在台协会申请签证会带来这麽大的心理压力。
- Ait was a long time before the lady opened the door .
- 过了良久那位女经理才开门。
- A reception in honor of the continuing competition policy dialogue between the ait and the tecro .
- 庆祝美国在台协会与台北经济文化办事处之持续竞争政策对话欢迎宴。
- Being single means you 're strong and patient enough to ait for someone ho deserves your orth !
- 只身象征着你足够坚强,有足够耐烦去等候阿谁值当领有你的人。
- Micropropagation and acclimation studies on medicinal plant of sophora flavescens ait .
- 药用植物苦参微体繁殖及瓶苗驯化研究。
- Seems we 're at ait of an impasse then , doesn 't it ?
- 看来我们遇到僵局了不是吗?
- Die war 65 jahre ait !
- 她65岁了!
- American institute in taiwan ( ait ) chairman raymond burghardt was also invited .
- 美国在台协会理事主席薄瑞光也应邀出席。
- It is a remote area adorned with volcanic monoliths , vegetated plateaux , canyons , tiny berber villages and the nomadic ait atta people .
- 这是一个偏僻得满满的火山坝段,茂盛的高原,峡谷,柏柏尔人小村庄和游牧万年青阿塔人.