

affirmatory 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Because emeritus determination of age is affirmatory through the consideration of square field surface .
- 因为退休年龄的确定是经过方方面面的考虑而确定的。
- The hope that science management and quality offer is affirmatory .
- 科学管理和质量给予的信心承诺。
- Important is market of affirmatory dress target .
- 重要的是确定服装目标市场。
- We are affirmatory : professional and accurate finish interpreter project on time !
- 我们承诺:专业准确按时完成翻译项目!
- Have trade relations presses down agriculture machinery station to execute socialization to serve affirmatory system .
- 通商镇农机站实行社会化服务承诺制度。
- Structural adjustment of industry of daqing city affirmatory stock raising 5 principles .
- 大庆市确定畜牧业产业结构调整五原则。
- Shallow analyse is reasonable and affirmatory cost of water conservancy project .
- 浅析合理确定水利工程造价。
- The characteristic of world economy globalization and its not affirmatory variable are analysed .
- 世界经济全球化的特点及其不确定的变数分析。
- The project invests a risk to amend the affirmatory model of rate and application .
- 项目投资风险补偿率的确定模型及应用。
- The method of dimensions of base of vegetable of reasonable and affirmatory city .
- 合理确定城市蔬菜基地规模的方法。