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And despite increasingly strident american admonishments , israel 's prime minister , binyamin netanyahu , remains resolutely determined to stop it , by force if necessary .
It was full of love and encouragement and admonishments to be strong . He vowed that he was waiting for the day when she would join him . And he had sent her this young animal to keep her company until then .
With tax revenues shrinking and unemployment spending rising , the government deficit will soar in 2009 ( see article ) - attracting stern admonishments from the european commission for breaching the 3 % of gdp maastricht limit .
But now I beg you to listen to the admonishments of humanity .
Verbal admonishments to rein in lending , especially to property developers , proved ineffective .
Similarly , resistance in europe to us overtures or admonishments derives from the belief that the future of the euro is ultimately a matter for europeans to resolve .
The bills must be reconciled in ways that sharpen the incentives against making toothless admonishments .