But , in actuality , lively didn 't offer google any relevant data .
In actuality , america was settled long before the first european set foot on the continent .
In actuality , however , if you pay attention to the way you feel after you put someone down , you 'll notice that you feel worse than before the put down .
Developed actuality , as the coincident alternation of inner and outer , the alternation of their opposite motions combined into a single motion , is necessity .
In actuality , ackerman and colleagues replicated something found decades ago by other researchers men are quite a bit more likely to actually say " I love you " first .
In real truth , however , if we deal with them as thoughts , actuality is the more comprehensive , because it is the concrete thought which includes possibility as an abstract element .
In actuality , this story is probably just a legend ; instead , it was this elegant thought experiment that helped prove a very important theory about gravity : no matter their mass , all objects fall at the same rate of speed .