And although 26 % of new orleans 's public schools were deemed academically unacceptable by the state department of education in 2010 , that was a sharp fall from 42 % the year before .
If you study hard and do well academically , the thousands and thousands of dollars you spent to go to school will have been that much better spent .
They discovered that women who scored " medium or high " marks in primary school were 2.1 times more likely to drink every day as adults than their less academically successful counterparts .
The intervention had remarkably long-term effects : the african american kids who did the writing exercise , compared to the control group , did better academically for the next couple of years .
The academically and politically correct response is to welcome this trend with open arms .
There were lots of challenges getting them settled socially and academically in public schools .
Tang xianyi , a physics and math teacher at one of shanghai 's top high schools , said that many boys performed academically better than girls .
The club selected five regional youths of the year , truly amazing teenagers who , despite huge odds stacked against them , not only thrive academically and socially but have given so much back to their communities .
The study showed that while in college , women outperformed men academically , and their grade point averages were higher in every major subject , including science and mathematics .