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abstractness 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

He fleeting moments of liquidity , higher than the abstractness , away from the real life of the historic ( historical ballet ) spanning spatio-temporal nationality ( national folk ) , it is the rich and colorful showed dance .
The lines of his works are just like natural and smooth calligraphy and the style of his characters combine reality with abstractness , the identity of the characters vividly defined with exaggerated proportions .
Its abstractness indeed prevented that inwardness from developing into anything , or from originating any special forms , whether cognitive principles or moral laws ; but nevertheless it absolutely refused to accept or indulge anything possessing the character of an externality .
Consequently , no matter denying or upholding the theory of abstractness , we should not understand subjectively its original meaning from the perspective of functionalism .
This theory has great differences from the modern western ethics , and this " theory " can be defended against the accusations of the " anti-theorists " , that is , the problem of abstractness and impracticality .
Mathematics , is abstractness , a logical very strong discipline .
Because of the abstractness and market economy as the result of modernization , hospital human care is absence and be omitted .
Teaching models and teaching means should be discussed since computer programming course has certain difficulty and abstractness . The web-based teaching and learning pattern is introduced in this paper .
The urban benchmark land price , a crucial component in national land pricing system , equals to the average price of regional land access calculated on the basis of city classification with abstractness and limitations , which need to be dynamically supervised and analyzed .