It is he who observes at the end that the dude abides and says he hears there is a little lebowski on the way .
Its star jeff bridges has become so identified with the starring role that when he won the 2010 oscar for best actor twitterland mourned that his acceptance speech didn 't begin with " the dude abides . "
The belief that the future will be much better than the past and present is known as the optimism bias . It abides in every race , region and socioeconomic bracket .
North korea has a pathway to acceptance in the international community , but it will not find that acceptance unless it abandons its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and abides by its international obligations and commitments .
A zte spokesman couldn 't be reached for comment on the congressional investigation , but the company in the past has said it takes measures to secure its networks , has never received reports of security problems , and abides by all u. rules .
Moreover , under the oslo agreement and this is one of the few parts of the agreement that israel abides by the development of 60 per cent of palestine is determined by israel in the " category c zone " .
Last august misliah responded to allegations of a corrupt relationship between her department and anson wong : " as far as malaysia is concerned , he abides by local laws and has the necessary licenses , " she said . " What he does outside the country is not our concern . "