
v.使简短( abbreviate的第三人称单数 );缩简;缩略;使用缩写词
abbreviates 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Genetically engineered blockade of vesicle recycling in these cells abbreviates memory as in the amnesiac mutant .
- 用基因工程方法阻断这些细胞中囊泡再循环将记忆简化为失忆症突变体。
- The latter can be quite prominent , like " john humphrys " , a television broadcaster and household name in britain , for whom texting is " vandalism " and lynne truss , author of eats , shoots and leaves , who actually enjoys texting so much she never abbreviates .
- 后者包括相当知名的人物,如英国家喻户晓的电视主播约翰汉氟莱斯,他认为短信是“对文化的恶意破坏行为”。还有《吃、射、走》一书的作者林恩特拉斯,她实际上非常喜欢发短信因而从不使用缩写。