
Zambian 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If the zambian kwacha crashes , an expat zambian can buy his mother a cheap house .
- 如果赞比亚的克瓦查贬值了,一个海外的赞比亚人可以给他妈妈买一栋便宜的房子。
- Kent recommends following up a zambian safari with a beach holiday in neighbouring mozambique .
- 肯特推荐在赞比亚野外旅游后,马上就到邻国津巴布韦的海滩去度假。
- Zambian authorities needed to approve the sale because metorex owns most of chibuluma copper mine .
- 赞比亚当局需要批准这次交易因为metorex公司拥有绝大部分chibuluma铜矿的所有权。
- Zambian stocks haven 't kept pace with stocks in other copper-producing countries , he says .
- 他说,赞比亚股市并未与其它产铜国的股市同步上涨。
- The cites secretariat , however , has recommended supporting the zambian ivory-trade proposal .
- 然而,cites的秘书处还是建议支持赞比亚出售象牙的请求。
- The frankfurt zoological society their main funders moved quickly to re stablish operations at marula-puku with the zambian government 's endorsement .
- 他们的主赞助方法兰克福动物园协会在赞比亚政府的支持下迅速在马鲁拉普库重新组建了管理机构。
- Some zambian union leaders say language gaps and culture clashes are as much to blame for labor frictions as wage differences .
- 赞比亚一些工会领导人说,除工资差异外,语言差异以及文化冲突也是造成劳资矛盾的重要原因。
- The aim was to create better-paying jobs for locals and a level playing field for investors , say zambian officials .
- 赞比亚官员说,这么做的目的是为当地人提供收入更好的工作,让投资者在平等的平台上竞争。
- Christopher was not an honorary game ranger like his father ; he was according to the zambian police visiting the country on vacation .
- 克里斯托弗并非像他父亲那样至少还是名义上的狩猎区护林员;按照赞比亚警察的说法,他就是来度假的游客。
- So it is good to welcome a new voice to the debate , and a black african woman too , dambisa moyo , a zambian economist at goldman sachs .
- 因此接受对这一争论的新意见,而且是一位非洲黑人妇女戴姆比萨茉约的意见,是很有益的,她是高盛的赞比亚裔经济学家。