Now , ten years later , if she hears me repeat this to someone new she will nod her head in agreement , while saying " yup ! I 've seen it . It 's true . "
Yup , there are plenty of positive events going on , but where would you go if you needed a break from what the mainstream media covers and just have a good laugh ?
Mr lewin says the vast majority of those e-mails say nothing more than " yup " , " ok " and " sure " ( in whatever language ) , but lawyers have to go through them all anyway .
Jack : yup . That 's one of the good things about paris . Lots of girls willing take their clothes off .
Yup , the fast food is expanding their mccafe breakfast options with five new items at the chain 's new england restaurants , including a cheese danish , banana bread , vanilla scone , multi-grain berry muffin , and a blueberry muffin .