Yellen 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- At 57 , yellen ran a half marathon .
- 耶伦57岁时还跑了一次半程马拉松。
- So edge to yellen , I guess .
- 因此,我猜耶伦有些优势。
- At least that 's what san francisco fed president janet yellen thinks .
- 至少这是旧金山联邦储备银行行长耶伦(janetyellen)的想法。
- Janet yellen , the influential president of the san francisco fed , said much the same on thursday .
- 很有影响的旧金山联储主席janetyellen在周四表达了大致同样的观点。
- Romer has been mentioned as a possible successor to janet yellen as president of the federal reserve bank of san francisco .
- 罗默曾被提到是旧金山联邦储备银行(federalreservebankofsanfrancisco)行长耶伦(janetyellen)的可能接班人之一。
- Though ms yellen , as president of the san francisco fed , already sits on the policy committee , her new position brings added stature and a permanent vote .
- yellen女士任旧金山联邦储备银行总裁,尽管早已列席政策委员会,她将从新的职务中获得地位提升及永久表决权。
- Ms yellen has not endorsed a higher inflation target or nominal gdp target .
- 珍妮特没有明确表态是支持提高通胀率还是支持名义gdp。
- Apparently it has been in the family for years ; yellen inherited a stamp collection with that same range from her mother .
- 显然,她们家持有这项收藏已经多年;耶伦从她母亲那里继承了差不多数额的邮票收藏。
- The new york times has retrieved a 1963 article from her high school paper in which a young yellen does a mock-interview with herself .
- 《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)找到了1963年这所中学校报刊登的一篇文章,文中年轻的耶伦和自己进行了一场模拟采访。
- Mccullough says commodity prices seem to be front-running fed policy -- an " inflation trade " that could explode if yellen reverses the taper .
- 麦卡洛说,大宗商品价格似乎跑在了美联储政策的前面——如果耶伦倒转压缩购债规模的政策,针对通胀的投资就可能激增。