

abbr.wartime extension 战时延期;world time equivalent 世界时间当量

Wte 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

The variety of control manners can improve the reliability and convenience of the control.The paper introduce new design methods of WTE technical process , which could have significances on developing WTE , environment protection and renewable energy project , as well as developing recycling economy .
It can be used to give viscous drag that can not be got from WTE directly , and it can be used to validate viscous drag of CFD , which is hard to be calculated accuracy too .
The WTE is supposed to be used for testing smaller scale of applications .
Design of Centralized Control System for WTE Power Plant
The pyrolysis technology for rubbish is important in solid waste treatment because of lower pollution and higher WTE ( waste to energy ) . MSW ?
It not only offloads your own WTE , but you can also improve the build time so that fewer numbers of artifacts are added to the workspace .