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- Besides numerous democratic members of congress , the coalition includes the united steelworkers union , the united automobile workers union , the labor-backed economic policy institute and the trade law firm stewart & stewart , as well as the wessel group , a trade strategy firm .
- 除过很多国会民主党人士,联盟还包括美国工人联盟、美国汽车工人联盟、劳工支撑经济研究所以及斯图尔特贸易律师事务所和斯图尔特本人,还有一家贸易战略公司威斯尔集团。
- ( On the contrary , the idea was terrible ; wessel says that if gerber had simply presented the product differently , it could have become the next odwalla or jamba juice .
- 【事实上恰恰相反,这个创意本身也够糟糕的;维塞尔表示,如果嘉宝只是为这款产品换个包装,它或许就能成为下一个奥德瓦拉公司(Odwalla,美国著名新鲜果汁公司——译注)或坚宝果汁公司(JambaJuice)。
- Wessel knows that many such managers ( though clearly not all of them ) would rather be doing something else with their lives .
- 维塞尔深知,很多这类经理人(不过显然他们不都是这样)此生宁可选择别的事业。
- On the harvard business review 's blog network , researcher maxwell wessel offers a framework for how big companies should go about innovating .
- 研究员麦斯维尔•维塞尔在《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)的博客上发表了一篇大作,文中提出了一个大公司应该如何创新的框架。
- This is one of wessel 's main points : " if antibodies already exist within your organization to destroy new endeavors , you need to go outside of the organization to overcome them . "
- 维塞尔借此表达了一个主要观点:“如果贵公司内部已经有了那些准备摧毁任何新尝试的抗体,你就需要走出公司去克服它们的消极影响。”
- Wessel says xerox would have done better to employ a " lean approach to experimentation " that would ( in the essay 's most depressing phrase ) " fly under the radar of investors . "
- 维塞尔称,如果施乐采取了“谨慎的试验性方法”,(这段话出现在该文最让人沮丧的段落)“避开投资者的注意的话”,结果很可能会截然不同。
- Wessel writes that because gerber ( now a subsidiary of nestle ) was institutionally geared toward focusing on marketing its existing products as efficiently as possible , it was " only natural that gerber executives created a product for adults that looked and felt just like its product for children .
- 维塞尔写道,因为就其体制而言,嘉宝公司【现在已属于雀巢公司(Nestle)】就必须尽可能高效地推广其现有产品,所以“嘉宝的管理层针对成年人推出那款看起来和尝起来都像儿童食品的产品就再自然不过了。
- Wessel says as much : " ..
- 维塞尔是这么认为的:“…
- Wessel cites the example of gerber 's infamous attempt to expand beyond the baby-food market .
- 为此维塞尔引用了一个嘉宝公司(Gerber)当年曾试图离开婴儿食品市场向外拓展,最终无果而终、声誉受损的案例。
- Wessel doesn 't make a case that it would have .
- 维塞尔并未就此给出案例。