
WalMart 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Though the supreme court threw out the suit in 2011 , the high-profile case nevertheless bruised walmart 's image .
- 虽然最高法院最终在2011年否决了这起诉讼案,但这宗备受关注的案件还是伤害了沃尔玛的形象。
- Walmart , on the other hand , can 't stray from its conservative values even when it tries to .
- 另一方面,即便沃尔玛有意尝试改变其保守的价值观,也力不从心。
- Another possibility is that walmart , the third-biggest retailer in brazil , might bid for carrefour 's brazilian assets .
- 另一种可能性是,巴西第三大零售商walmart超市可能竞标出价买走家乐福在巴西的资产。
- The question before the court is not whether walmart discriminated against the women , but if the class-action claim can cover so many people .
- 然而如果集体诉讼涉及这么多的人,那么摆在高院面前的就不是沃玛特是否歧视妇女的问题了。
- Drive over to wal-mart for a gallon of milk and you may end up on people of walmart .
- 开车去沃尔玛买盒牛奶,你的照片就可能被登在网上。
- But it was crowded on both sides , by lower-price stores like walmart , or high-service stores such as nordstrom ( jwn ) .
- 但不论是价格还是服务,它都面临着激烈的竞争,比如低价商店沃尔玛,或注重服务的诺德斯特姆商店(Nordstrom)。
- Our walmart filed its own complaint with the labor board this week , arguing that tovar 's comment amounted to an illegal threat directed at discouraging its workers from protesting .
- 本周,“我们的沃尔玛”也向劳资委员会提出了投诉,认为托瓦尔的言论属于非法威胁,目的是要阻止沃尔玛员工参加示威。
- Still , walmart will probably struggle with same-store sales growth as long as the recession continues to hurt low-income shoppers , the company 's bread and butter consumer group .
- 尽管如此,只要经济衰退继续影响在沃尔玛购买廉价黄油和面包的低收入人群,沃尔玛也许就得继续为同店销售增长率而奋斗。
- * The kindle fire and kindle touch arrive in best buy ( bby ) , target ( tgt ) , walmart ( wmt ) , staples ( spls ) , and other u.s. stores november 15 .
- *亚马逊(Amazon)的KindleFire和KindleTouch平板将于11月15日登陆百思买(BestBuy)、塔吉特(Target)、沃尔玛(Walmart)、史泰博(Staples)和美国其它各大百货商店。
- They were joined by angel investors joel hyatt ( currenttv ceo ) , venky harinarayan and anand rajaraman ( e-commerce execs at walmart ) .
- 其它投资者还包括天使投资人乔尔•海特(CurrentTV首席执行官)、文吉•哈利那亚以及拉纳得•拉贾罗曼【沃尔玛(Walmart)电子商务部高管】。