
Vonnegut 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- One prisoner made a joke . " Nobody laughed , " mr vonnegut wrote later , " but we were all glad he said it . At least we were still alive ! He proved it . "
- 有犯人说了一个笑话,“没人发笑,”冯内古特后来写道,“但我们都对他心存感激,因为他证明了,至少我们都还活着!”
- In kurt vonnegut 's novel " sirens of titan , " all of human history turns out to be reduced to delivering a piece of metal roughly the size and shape of a beer-can opener to an alien marooned on saturn 's moon so he can repair his spaceship and go home .
- 在kurtvonnegut的小说《泰坦星的海妖》中,人类的所有历史被缩减成一件事,即为给困在土星卫星上的外星人送去一块啤酒开瓶器大小的金属片,以便他能修好飞船回家去。
- Vonnegut usedto say that he couldn 't teach anybody to write , but like an old golf pro , hecould go around the course with you and maybe take a few strokes off your game .
- 冯内古特以前常说他不可能教任何人写作,但就像职业高尔夫球员一样,他可以带着你,也许就几次就能提高你的水平。
- Mr vonnegut populated his fiction with alter egos : the author philboyd studge , the pontiac salesman dwayne hoover , the science-fiction writer kilgore trout , the soldier billy pilgrim .
- 冯内古特将自我分身植入小说:作家费博伊德、庞蒂克车的推销员德维安-胡佛、科幻小说作家基尔戈-特劳特以及士兵比利-皮尔格林。
- Poor anthony must never have taken into account these sound words from kurt vonnegut in his novel " mother night " : " we are who we pretend to be . So we must be careful who we pretend to be . "
- 可怜的安东尼一定是从未思考过那些来自库尔特冯内古特(kurtvonnegut)在其小说《母亲之夜》(mothernight)中的珠玑之言:“我们就是我们假装成为的那种人。所以对于我们要假装成怎样的人必须要小心谨慎。”
- Kurt vonnegut , a famous 20th century american writer known for his black humor , describes some absurd characters such as billy pilgrim , edgar derby in his slaughterhouse five to disclose the cruel , hypercritical world as well as the absurd life .
- 美国20世纪著名的黑色幽默作家冯内古特在小说《五号屠场》中塑造了主人公毕利等一系列荒诞的人物形象,以此来揭露残酷、虚伪的世界和荒诞的人生。
- Hailed as a masterpiece on publication in 1961 , and rediscovered by a new generation of critics and writers , revolutionary road has achieved a hallowed status ( tennessee williams , richard ford , kurt vonnegut and nick hornby are just some of its devotees ) in modern fiction.la
- 1961年出版时即被誉为杰作,并为新一代批评家和作家重新发现,《革命之路》确立了它在现代小说中的神圣地位(田纳西威廉斯,理查德福特,库尔特冯内古特和尼克霍恩比只是其信徒的一部分)。
- By 2011 a hefty 96 % of acquisitions worth more than $ 500m were attracting suits , according to robert daines of stanford university ( who spotted the vonnegut quote ) and olga koumrian of cornerstone , a consultancy .
- 根据斯坦福大学罗伯特戴恩斯(发现了冯内古特引用)和咨询公司cornerstone的olgakoumrian提供的数据显示:截止2011年,价值超过五亿的收购高达96%,正吸引着这些金装律师。
- Kurt vonnegut , author , dies at 84 .
- 作家库特冯内古特逝世,享年84岁。
- As kurt vonnegut wrote , " peculiar travel suggestions are dancing lessons from god . "
- 正如kurtvonnegut写道的那样,“独特之旅的建议就如上帝赐予的舞蹈课程一样愉悦。”