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- " I 'm looking to buy a 240 volvo wagon .
- “我想买一辆沃尔沃240旅行车。
- Mulally reshaped the company by dropping lines like volvo and mercury and focusing on one global ford brand .
- 穆拉利重塑公司的方式是,大刀阔斧地砍掉了沃尔沃(Volvo)和水星(Mercury)这两条产品线,致力于打造全球统一的福特品牌。
- Replacing horbury as head of volvo design is thomas ingenlath , a former volkswagen designer .
- 接替霍布里担任沃尔沃设计总监的是大众汽车前设计师托马斯•英格拉斯。
- Volvo has withdrawn its wagon from the u.s. market and now sells only crossovers .
- 可惜的是,沃尔沃已经把它的旅行车撤出了美国市场,现在只在美国销售跨界车型了。
- Volvo is volvo , " has become his mantra when asked about the possible blurring of volvo 's distinctive character .
- 每次问起沃尔沃与众不同的特色是否会逐渐模糊,他都会抛出这句话。
- During its five-year production run , volvo produced 1.4 million 850s , but the car never achieved the cult status of the 240 .
- 沃尔沃一共生产了140万台850,但它从来没有达到240那样的经典地位。
- Representatives of honda ( hmc ) , audi , porsche , subaru , toyota ( tm ) , volvo , and and kia also were spotted in the crowd .
- 现场观众中不乏来自本田(Honda)、奥迪、保时捷(Porsche)、斯巴鲁(Subaru)、丰田(Toyota)、沃尔沃(Volvo)和起亚的代表。
- Revealing the importance of safety to the cr respondents , volvo placed sixth despite its outdated product line and moribund sales performance .
- 沃尔沃(Volvo)的产品线虽然稍显过时,而且销售表现也半死不活,但是仍然排到了第六名的位置,这也从一个侧面说明了受访者对于汽车安全性的重视。
- Hoping to rebuild the company by spreading volvo 's engineering costs over its vast economies of scale , ford paid $ 6.45 billion in 1999 .
- 福特当年收购沃尔沃共花了64.5亿美元,希望能够借用自己庞大的规模经济摊薄沃尔沃的生产成本,重建沃尔沃这个品牌。
- Although there are reports that volvo will position the brand at a lower price point and supply it with older technology , it is essentially setting up a company to compete with itself .
- 虽然有报道指出,沃尔沃将把这个新品牌定位在一个较低的价格点上,并且令它使用较老的技术,不过从本质上讲,沃尔沃这样做等于是成立一家公司来与自己竞争。