Without god , man has an empty void in his life he knows he must fill , so man is constantly trying to reach god .
When partygaming and other listed companies pulled out of america , others filled the void .
The state is full of bland suburbs and buffet restaurants serving endless piles of food , which loveless couple use to fill the void in their hearts .
If we seek to fill the void of our own loneliness in seeking love from others , we will inevitably find no consolation but only a deeply desolation .
This kind of love reveals the void of a soul suspended between all and nothing just as becoming a don juan is the only remedy for a broken heart .
Some 69 miles above earth , in a darkening void , customers will experience a few minutes of weightlessness and gaze out the window at the curvature of their planetary home .
The oriental logic accepts the primordial void or chaos as the ultimate reality and , paradoxically , for this very reason , prefers organic social order with each element in its proper place .