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Now they are enmeshed in a scandal over a cia compound in a suburb of vilnius , which may have been a secret prison .
The prison was reportedly built from scratch on the territory of a former horse riding school about 15 miles from vilnius , the lithuanian capital , and included an underground annex .
My father was born in vilnius , the capital of lithuania , and my mother in kaunas , the temporary capital of that country when vilnius was occupied by poland .
The collapse of the main lithuanian airline earlier this year means that the number of european cities you can fly to from the capital , vilnius , has halved this year .
We are going to kaunas as our first destination ...... vilnius , people call it now , but " vilna " is how jews always knew it ......
Veterans of the latvian legion of the waffen-ss now parade through riga , vilnius 's museum of genocide victims barely mentions the 2 00000 lithuanian jews murdered in the holocaust and estonian parliamentarians honour those who served the third reich as " fighters for independence " .
The vilnius region , and vilnius , the historical capital of lithuania , ( and so designated in the constitution of lithuania ) were seized by the polish army during eligowski 's mutiny in october 1920 and annexed two years later by poland .
Lietuvos dujos , the lithuanian gas utility , told reporters in vilnius it was already experiencing 40 per cent cuts in gas flows to lithuania and russia 's kaliningrad region a day after alexander lukashenko , belarus president , said the country had cut gas transit to europe .
After polish troops seized vilnius ( then called wilno ) in 1920 , the pair spent the inter-war years in a stony fury .
I was genuinely surprised at what I found as I travelled south to north between the three capitals - vilnius , riga and tallinn .