

tyre 变化形式
复数: tyres
易混淆的单词: Tyre

tyre 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A nail on the road puncutured the tyre .
- 路上的一个钉子把车胎刺破了。
- Cycling to work one winter 's day , xinran has a flat tyre .
- 在冬日骑车上班的一天,欣然的车胎轧了。
- The correct pressure is written on the side of the tyre .
- 正常的胎内压强值标注在车胎外侧。
- A group of youngsters tied a bike tyre around the body as a swimming aid .
- 一群年轻人将自行车胎绑在身上作为救生圈。
- The tyre plant is not the only sign of prosperity in gujarat .
- 轮胎产不是gujarat邦唯一一处体现其经济繁荣的地方。
- Silica is better because it lowers hysteresis loss without reducing a tyre 's grip .
- 硅土更佳的原因在于它可以减少滞后损耗但又不会降低轮胎的抓地力。
- A prototype cyber tyre has been running on a test vehicle for the past nine months .
- cybertyre的原型轮胎已经在一辆测试车辆上进行了九个月的测试。
- In the case of the tyre dispute , even us manufacturers opposed the complaint .
- 在这场轮胎争端案中,甚至连美国制造商都反对此项控诉。
- An example is japanese-listed tyre maker sumitomo rubber .
- 日本上市轮胎制造商住友橡胶(sumitomorubber)就是一个例子。
- Continental , which responded to the downturn by diversifying , finds the tyre business is carrying its other divisions .
- 而大陆公司,它以多元化来应对经济衰退,最终却发现挑起大梁的还是轮胎业务。