英音  [ˈtu:vəlu]    
美音 [tuˈvɑlu, ˈtuvəˌlu]    



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At its highest point , tuvalu stands just 4.5 metres out of the pacific .
Tuvalu is one of the places on earth that is most vulnerable to the affects of global warming .
A shortage of fresh water in the south pacific saw the islands of tuvalu and tokelau in a state of emergency .
If you 're standing in the right place , the tuvalu proposal seems like the most important thing in the world .
Tuvalu , a series of low-lying islands in the pacific , has declared a state of emergency due to water shortages .
Tuvalu makes millions of pounds each year from the sale of its assigned internet suffix . Tv to television companies .
Tuvalu is located halfway between australia and hawaii , and it 's predicted to be the first country to vanish beneath the waves when global warming pushes sea-levels high enough .
The islands request that a new contact group be created to discuss the tuvalu proposal ( which is , in fact , not new ) .
Experts say it is a matter of time before global warming drives up sea levels the one or two metres it would take to force permanent evacuation of islands such as tuvalu , the highest point of which is four metres above water .
The old testament teaches that following god 's will leads to a blessed life , he said , but nations like tuvalu must face the fact that many nations most affected by climate change are relatively powerless to stop it .