

Tours 变化形式
易混淆的单词: tours
Tours 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Give your teens a real adventure : exodus is launching teenage kicks adventure tours aimed at families with children aged 11 and over .
- 给孩子一个真正的冒险之旅:出埃及记旅行开发商正在开展针对拥有11岁以上(包括11岁)青少年的家庭的冒险旅行。
- He tours bases in south korea and japan .
- 他参观了韩国和日本的美军基地。
- Distinct tours that we must examine .
- 我们必须考察全部不同的旅程。
- Any tours to niagara falls ?
- 有去尼加拉瀑布的路线吗?
- Do you prefer conducted tours or independent travel ?
- 你是喜欢导游还是喜欢独立地去旅行?
- Ferry tours are also offered to see the island from afar .
- 游客们也可以坐船,在海上从远处眺望端岛。
- He visited the countries on good-will tours .
- 他对一些国家进行了友好访问。
- Domestic tours were expected to total 1.9 billion for the year , up 10 percent .
- 全年国内游总数预计将达19亿次,同比增长一成。
- As he tours the country , he has made much of avoiding the usual elaborate banquets .
- 他在全国各处考察时,极力避免让地方像往常一样大摆筵席。
- But from this month the museum will be open only to pre-booked tours and school trips .
- 但从本月开始,这家博物馆将只接待提前预定或学校组织的参观。