

n.旅行者,观光客( tourist的名词复数 )
tourists 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Seoul has become a hot spot for asian tourists flocking to buy foundations and creams .
- 首尔已经成为亚洲旅游者蜂拥购买粉底霜和乳霜的热点地区之一。
- Migrants send more money to morocco than tourists spend there .
- 移民汇往摩洛哥的钱比旅游者在那里花的钱更多。
- The weaker us dollar also lured european tourists for cheaper shopping .
- 美元贬值也吸引了欧洲旅游者购买更为便宜的商品。
- The measures will first be introduced in southern provinces that have most cannabis tourists .
- 该措施会在吸食印度大麻旅游者最多的南部省份首先推行。
- Europe is shutting out tourists and businesspeople-exactly the sorts it should be cultivating .
- 欧洲在拒绝旅游者和商务人士而这些正是欧洲所需之人。
- Tourists often return from newfoundland impressed by people 's warmth and hospitality .
- 从纽芬兰旅游回来的人,对当地人的热情好客印象深刻。
- The second driver would be chinese tourists .
- 第二个推动因素将是大陆观光客。
- The famous blue train takes tourists across south africa cocooned in luxury .
- 著名的蓝色火车带领旅客穿越南非但是价格不菲。
- He resorted to copying scenes from postcards and selling them to tourists .
- 他经常临摹明信片上的图画,并把作品卖给游人。
- Cancun airport has been flooded by tourists trying to get out .
- 坎昆机场已经被大批试图离开墨西哥的乘客填满。