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美音 [ˈtimɔr, tiˈmɔr]    



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The more limited effort in east timor in 1999 achieved its goals .
Australia helped in south-east asia by spearheading the force sent to east timor .
The new hardware 's priority will be defending australia 's northern approaches from the indian ocean via the timor sea to polynesia .
Woodside is a private company , but the dispute heightens the timorese perception that australia is trying to grab more than its share of timor sea wealth .
An oil rig off the coast of australia that has been spewing oil into the timor sea for the past 10 weeks caught fire this weekend during efforts to plug the leak .
But oil spills of the sort that now threaten the timor sea , forest fires like those that recently afflicted greece , and other man-made and man-assisted threats to wildlife are transient .
Thai national security council secretary-general the same day he also urged thailand timor parties not to comment , because it may confuse the public .
And see if abstruse , timor and other places also certainly not for being soft-hearted , and therefore , we study day and night , saved the day on how to protect the well-being of the quartet .
The former military police chief had led a revolt against east timor 's government and had been indicted for his alleged role in fighting between rebel troops and police in 2006 .
He also served as director of political , constitutional and electoral affairs for the un transitional administration in east timor from 2000 to 2001 .