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易混淆的单词: Terra

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Nasa 's terra satellite 's first view of northeastern japan in the wake of a devastating earthquake and tsunami reveal extensive flooding along the coast .
But unlike weather satellites that look at the same region on earth 24 hours a day , terra and aqua generally only get one daylight view each of the gulf of mexico .
Had terra firma prevailed , more lawsuits could have been brought by private-equity firms that paid too much for their investments .
Nasa 's terra and aqua satellites are the only two missions whose pictures are available in near-real time , and they are the only two missions that capture pictures of almost every place on earth every day .
Most of the images of the oil slick that the earth observatory has published come from a sensor called modis , a copy of which flies on both the terra and aqua satellites .
If terra firma had not invested , it would still have 90 % of its fund and ' would look like geniuses , ' hands said at the time .
" Smaller funds will mean lower fees and smaller profits and that can only mean fewer people employed in private equity and lower pay for those who remain , " says mr hands at terra firma .
However , accounts for the year to march 2009 , released yesterday , make clear that even if terra firma secures this equity , it will face another " significant shortfall " against a test on covenants in its loans by march 2011 .
Aster is one of five earth-observing instruments launched december 18 , 1999 , on nasa 's terra satellite .
Or a biological fallout shelter where survivors seek refuge from the toxic terra firma above .