
[ˌtɛəˈræn, -ˈrɑn, tɛˈræn, -ˈrɑn]

Tehran 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Meanwhile , tehran 's nuclear ambitions remain unchecked .
- 同时,德黑兰方面的核野心仍未受到遏制。
- Mr. bashir over the weekend attended an antiterrorism conference in tehran .
- 巴希尔周末期间在德黑兰参加了一个反恐会议。
- That pressure is raising expectations that tehran might compromise .
- 这种压力正在加大外界关于德黑兰方面可能会妥协的预期。
- She said sometimes she imagines an earthquake in tehran .
- 她说,有时候她会想象在德黑兰的一场地震。
- However , tehran has shown restraint in the crisis .
- 然而,德黑兰在这场危急中表现出克制。
- It may have to abandon its embassy and residence in tehran .
- 英国可能不得不放弃在德黑兰的大使馆及其居住区。
- Go argue with themullahs in tehran .
- 去,去和德黑兰的毛拉们争论吧。
- Damascus is tehran 's oldest and most strategic mideast ally .
- 叙利亚政府是德黑兰最久、也最具战略性的中东盟友。
- Tehran maintains that its nuclear program solely exists to generate electricity .
- 德黑兰坚称它的核项目存在的唯一目的是为了发电。
- Today a frozen silence stretches from tehran to washington .
- 而如今,连接德黑兰和华盛顿的只有冰冷的沉默。