Tania 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Tania I couldn 't depend on to do much for me ; she was sending money to sylvester .
- 我不能指望塔尼亚为我故什么,她在给西尔维斯特寄钱。
- Tania browne said they did this , in her words , just in case .
- 塔尼亚布朗说,他们这样做,用她的话说,以防万一。
- Tania : there aren 't any donkeys in the jungle , you made it up .
- 塔妮娅:在森林并没有驴,是你编造的。
- Tania : that must be a proverb from the urals , it makes no sense to me .
- 塔妮娅:那一定是起源于乌拉尔地区的谚语,对我来说毫无疑义。
- Men " expressed more desire for revenge and seemed to feel satisfaction when unfair people were given what they perceived as deserved physical punishment , " said dr. tania singer , the lead researcher , of the wellcome department of imaging neuroscience at university college london .
- 男人“表现出更多的复仇欲,他们在看到不公正的的人受到罪有应得的体罚时似乎感到心满意足”,领导研究的塔尼亚。
- Tania : do you take him out every day ?
- 坦尼亚:你每天都和他外出吗?
- Milady tania , if this intruder affronts or annoys you ......
- 米拉迪塔尼亚,如果这位不速之客冒犯或惹恼了你.
- Baby is that you ? Tania ?
- 宝贝坦雅是你吗?
- Tania : why is your dog whining and looking at you so expectantly ?
- 坦尼亚:你的狗为什么嗷嗷直叫,一副期待神情望着你?
- Tania had seen snow before but only very little as it mostly falls in the dutch winter , when polar bears hibernate .
- 塔妮亚以前只见过几场小雪,因为荷兰冬季降雪的季节恰好是北极熊冬眠的时候。