
[人名] 施托伊弗桑特;[地名] [美国] 斯泰弗森特
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- Stuyvesant arrived in New Amsterdam in 1647 .
- 史蒂文森于1647年到达新阿姆斯特丹。
- Lieutenant Yee came to our Stuyvesant High School and asked whether or not I want to join the14th Army Air Force .
- 有一位叶(Yee)中尉来到我的学校询问是否有人想加入这个队伍。
- The stubborn Stuyvesant didn 't reply .
- 固执的司徒维桑特没有回信。
- Stuyvesant 's right leg had to be amputated after being crushed by a cannonball during a battle with the Spanish three years earlier .
- 三年前,在与西班牙人的战斗中他的右腿不幸中弹,不得不截去。
- Before he could take action , Stuyvesant was handed a petition signed by New Amsterdam 's prominent citizens , including his own son .
- 在他行动之前,司徒维桑特收到了一份由请愿书,这份请愿书签上了新阿姆斯特丹优秀公民的名字,其中还有他的儿子。
- She was born on June 30 , 1917 , into a middle - class black family in the Bedford - Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn .
- 生于1917年6月30日,她降生在布鲁克林的贝福.斯图文森区的一个中产阶级黑人家庭。
- Stuyvesant also tried to right some wrongs against the Indians . For instance , he insisted that Indians be paid properly for their services .
- 史蒂文森还试图为印第安人做一些补偿,例如,他要求享受了印第安人服务的人支付给他们适当的报酬。
- Seven black students have been offered a chance to start classes at Stuyvesant High School in September , two fewer than received offers last year .
- 有7位黑人学生得到了于今年9月进入史岱文森高中(StuyvesantHighSchool)就读的机会,这比去年该高中录取的黑人学生人数少了两位。
- But the firm has had a few embarrassments , such as its investment in Stuyvesant Town , a large apartment complex in Manhattan that went bust .
- 但公司仍然存在一些失败的投资,比如对一座位于曼哈顿的大型公寓,Stuyvesant镇的投资就以破产告终。
- Three of the most renowned schools , Stuyvesant , the Bronx High School of Science and Brooklyn Tech , have a combined enrollment of more than 10,000 students .
- 最享有声誉的三所学校分别是史岱文森、布朗士科学高中(BronxHighSchoolofScience)与布鲁克林科技高中(BrooklynTech),它们有一个面向超过1万名学生的联合招生报名机制。