Stroop 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But men who had been told a woman would observe them ended up doing much worse on the second stroop task .
- 但那些被告知一位女士会监督他们的男性表现得比第一次要差得多。
- The following morning , those given the carbohydrate drinks performed significantly better on the stroop test .
- 次日清晨,饮用过碳水化合物的士兵在stroop测试中成绩有了明显的提高。
- She says the best method to measure the executive control system is called the stroop test .
- 她表示,衡量行为控制系统能力最好的办法是斯特鲁测验(strooptest)。
- After being told about it , they completed another stroop test to measure their current level of cognitive functioning .
- 被告知之后,他们就要去完成另一个史楚普测验来检测目前他们的认知水平。
- Developed in 1935 by the psychologist john ridley stroop , the test is a common way of assessing our ability to process competing information .
- 史楚普实验由心理学家johnridleystroop于1935年首次提出,是评估人们处理矛盾信息能力的一种方法。