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- Marty wiseman , who heads the stennis institute of government at mississippi state university , says that no one is a more knowledgeable or effective political strategist than mr barbour .
- 密西西比州立大学斯特尼斯政府学院院长玛缇怀斯曼说,从见多识广、政治策略而言,谁都比不了巴伯先生。
- San diego ( nns ) -- the squadrons of carrier air wing ( cvw ) 9 completed their 2009 deployment when the nimitz-class aircraft carrier uss john c. stennis ( cvn 74 ) pulled into naval air station north island , calif. , july 6 .
- 圣地亚哥(海军新闻)7月6日,随着尼米兹级航空母舰约翰c斯坦尼斯号(编号:cvn-74)航空母舰被拖入加利福尼亚州北岛海军航空兵基地,第9舰载机联队(cvw)各中队完成了他们2009年度部署。
- However , major general ataollah salehi , the army chief , stated yesterday that iran could take action if the us redeployed its aircraft carrier uss john c. stennis in the gulf .
- 然而,伊朗军队总司令阿塔乌拉萨莱希少将(ataollahsalehi)昨日表示,如果美国约翰-斯坦尼斯号(ussjohnstennis)航母重返波斯湾,伊朗可能采取行动。
- Two other american aircraft carriers , theuss carl vinsonand theuss john c. stennis , are cruising in the gulf of oman and the arabian sea .
- 另外两艘美国航母卡尔文森好和约翰斯坦尼茨号分别在阿曼湾和阿拉伯海巡弋。