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美音 [ˈspɑrtə]    


Sparta 斯巴达
古希腊城邦,Laconia 王国首府,人民以崇尚简朴,勇猛好战,说话简洁,国家实行军事化 管理著称。名字可能来自希腊语 sparte,绳子,草绳,来自 PIE*sper,编织,词源同 spiral.据说 斯巴达人投草为界,并以此为城。实际上,斯巴达也是既没有城墙,也没有像样的街道。参 照百度百科及电影《斯巴达 300 勇士》。

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And the memory of hyacinthus lived on among the gentlemen of sparta who gave honors to their son and celebrated him for three days in mid-summer at the hyakinthaea festival .
Ever since thucydides observed that the shift in power from sparta to athens was the fundamental cause of the peloponnesian war , scholars have watched such moments with apprehension .
The peloponnesian conflict of the fifth century against sparta and her allies was criticised by many contemporaries as being " without just cause " .
He opened the ' pharmacy ' road for the battle group to use and 24 hours later found and disarmed 31 ieds on route ' sparta ' .
And whatever happens , the country 's current system is likely to undergo major changes afterward-ancient sparta was able to sustain leadership by two kings for generations , but modern russia clearly cannot .
But one essential difference was that one of the purposes of gym-attendance was to prepare young men for war ; it was essential for the warrior classes in martial societies such as ancient sparta .
I have run 153 miles from athens to sparta ; pushed myself through 50 degree heat in death valley for the 135-mile badwater race ; and have more than 100 marathons and ultra-marathons under my belt .
As in democratic athens of 430bc ( before defeat by sparta ) we are seeing the collapse of the hapless democratic model which leads eventually to appalling policy making followed by disintegration .
Hyacinthus , the young son of the king of sparta , beautiful like the very gods of mount olympus , was beloved of apollo , shooter of arrows .
The line they had to remember for the test was his conclusion : " what made war inevitable was the growth of athenian power and the fear which this caused in sparta . "