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- The blind mole rat rubs its tears into its fur , which appears to make other mole rats less aggressive , said sobel .
- 索贝尔说,眼盲的鼹鼠将眼泪涂在自己的皮毛上能减少其他鼹鼠对自己的侵略性。
- Sobel cautioned that , so far , this trail of tears may be leading his team to only part of the story .
- 索贝尔提示说,目前为止,现在眼泪的线索只能将他的小组引导到故事的一部分。
- Sobel added that the advantage of this technology is that it can be used by those with disabilities ranging from quadriplegia to locked-in syndrome . In the case of the latter , patients are completely paralysed but retain enough cognitive ability to sniff with precision .
- sobel同时表示该技术的优势在于可以用在四肢残疾的人和完全瘫痪的人身上,后者病人完全瘫痪但仍然有足够的呼气控制能力。
- In a recent study , neuroscientist noam sobel at the weizmann institute of science in israel showed the film clip to women to collect tears for a study to test the sexual arousal of men exposed to weepy women .
- 在一项最近的研究中,以色列威茨曼科技大学的精神学家noamsobel向妇女播放这段影片来收集泪水用于调查男性面对哭泣妇女的性欲水平。
- Ordinary smells can be made up of tens to hundreds of compounds , so sobel and his colleagues puffed only pure chemicals into the noses of their wired subjects , one scent at a time .
- 普通气味是由数十或数百种物质所构成的,因此,sobel和他的同事每次向联有探测针的受试者的鼻腔内喷入的是纯净物,每次只感知一种气味。
- First , dr sobel 's team rigged up the device to allow people who suffer from locked-in syndrome to communicate , by dictating text onto a computer screen using coded patterns of sniffing .
- 首先,sobel博士的团队试装了一台设备,利用嗅探的编码模式来将文本口授显示在一台电脑屏幕上,这可以使患有闭锁综合症的人进行交流。
- What is the goddamn holdup , mr. sobel ?
- 索柏先生,你停止不动,是在搞什么鬼?
- Gonorrhea called sobel a jew .
- 淋病先生说索柏是犹太人。
- Lieutenant sobel does not hate easy company , private randleman .
- 索柏中尉并不恨E连,二等兵蓝道曼。
- If I 'm next to sobel in combat , I 'm moving on down the line .
- 若作战时我旁边是索柏,我会移动战线。