Shura 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- His brother Shura with staring disingenuous eyes was plotting to master the world .
- 他那长着一对狡诈眼睛的哥哥瑞拉,处心积虑图谋征服整个世界。
- Under the constitution , an elected president , an elected 301-seat House of Representatives , and an appointed 111-member Shura Council share power .
- 在这种体制下,由一个选举出的总统,301个席位的代表大会和111个修罗(Shura)委员会成员共同拥有权力。
- Nearly a third of the country\' s1.6m native-born citizens are registered to vote , and some1,000 candidates , including70 women , plan to compete for the Shura Council\'s84 seats .
- 该国160万本地出生的民众中近三分之一注册投票,约1000名候选人、包括70名女性计划争夺舒拉议会的84个席位。
- Speaking at Mufti Mehmood conference in Quetta on late Thursday , Maulana said US is playing Haqqani card to destabilize Pakistan , adding Quetta Shura card can also surface within few days .
- 老毛拉在基达市穆夫提迈木会议上说:美国利用哈恰尼斯牌来破坏巴基斯坦政府的稳定性,参加基达舒拉(人民议会)也在最近的几天才露出水面。