Sheryl 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- At a one-on-one meeting with sheryl weeks later , I found out that she had an interest in the topic of women at facebook and in silicon valley generally .
- 在数周后与谢丽尔单独会面时,我发现她对关于facebook乃至整个硅谷的女性员工的话题很感兴趣。
- Facebook chief operating officer sheryl sandberg and chief financial officer david ebersman will handle most of the investor meetings on the roadshow , said people familiar with the matter .
- 知情人士说,路演中的多数投资者见面会将由facebook首席运营长桑伯格(sherylsandberg)和首席财务长埃博斯曼(davidebersman)主持。
- ' Well , thanks for talking to me , I really appreciate it , ' sheryl said , winding up our conversation .
- “好的,谢谢你和我谈话,真的很感谢,”谢丽尔向我说道,就这样结束了我们的谈话。
- No , sheryl , we 'll be there in two hours . I 'll call a funeral home once we get there .
- 不,谢瑞尔,我们两小时内要赶到那里.一旦我们到了那里我会联系殡仪馆.
- Facebook chief operating officer sheryl sandberg , who joined the social network in 2008 , has spent her time building a business model for facebook that includes convincing advertisers to develop social media strategies .
- 2008年加入facebook的首席运营长桑伯格(sherylsandberg)曾耗费不少时日打造facebook的商业模式,其中就包括说服广告商制定社交媒体战略。
- Facebook chief operating officer sheryl sandberg owns less than 1 % of the company .
- facebook首席运营长桑伯格(sherylsandberg)的持股比例不到1%。
- Sheryl sandberg , the no. 2 executive at facebook inc. , has made it a mission to tell women that they can have it all .
- facebookinc.的二号高管桑伯格(sherylsandberg)希望告诉妇女:女性能够拥有一切。
- Sheryl is cool , I thought . She gets it .
- 我心想谢丽尔太酷了,她明白我的意思。
- I highly recommend watching this video by facebook chief operating officer sheryl sandberg on why we have too few women leaders . ( Hat tip : slate 's xx factor blog ) .
- 我强烈推荐大家观看facebook首席运营长桑伯格(sherylsandberg)就女性高管为何少之又少发表演讲的视频(特别鸣谢:《slate》杂志的xxfactor博客)。