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- It 's clear that the recent series of bombings were intended to goad the shi'ites into retaliating against sunnis - just as they did in early 2006 , after a long al-qaeda bombing campaign culminated in the destruction of an important shi'ite shrine in samarra .
- 很显然,最近一系列的炸弹攻击意在刺激什叶派归责于逊尼派,就像他们在2006年做的那样,长期的炸弹攻击最终以摧毁了什叶派在萨马拉的一个重要神殿而达到顶峰。
- It was plainly meant to fan the flames of the sectarian strife that has left at least 35000 dead since the samarra outrage . It is also meant to sap public confidence in the american surge now under way .
- 自samarra暴行后,已造成至少35000人死亡。很明显这就是逊尼暴乱分子煽动宗教仇恨,同时腐蚀美国正准备增兵情况下民众的信心
- After samarra , shia restraint fell away .
- 而在萨迈拉爆炸发生后,什叶派不再克制。
- Samarra is located about 110 km north of baghdad , is iraq 's sunni muslim majority religious holy city .
- 萨迈拉位于首都巴格达以北110公里左右,是伊拉克逊尼派穆斯林占多数的宗教圣城。
- In the process of clearing buildings , iraqi national guardsmen reportedly arrested 25 insurgents inside a mosque in samarra .
- 据报道,在清理建筑物的过程中,伊拉克国民自卫军在萨迈拉的一个清真寺里逮捕了二十五名反叛分子。
- Police said a suicide bomber drove a car containing a bomb , stormed samarra earlier this month moved to a building emergency response teams and bomb detonated .
- 警方称,一名自杀式袭击者驾驶载有炸弹的轿车,冲进本月初刚转移到萨迈拉的一个紧急情况应对小组的办公楼,并将炸弹引爆。