Sachs 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Goldman sachs is the leading underwriter , with 21.9 % of the market .
- 高盛(GoldmanSachs)担任主要承销商,占市场份额的21.9%。
- Exhibit a : goldman sachs ' recent deal with facebook .
- 例证A:高盛最近与Facebook的交易。
- John bryan , lead director , goldman sachs board
- 约翰•布莱恩,高盛董事会首席独立董事
- Though well-intentioned , sachs comes across as prickly , dismissive , and supremely arrogant .
- 虽然用意良善,但萨克斯给人的印象是易怒、傲慢以及超级自负。
- Goldman sachs strategists came out with an endorsement two years ago .
- 两年前,高盛(GoldmanSachs)的策略师们做出了一项推荐。
- At least that is what analysts goldman sachs are predicting .
- 至少这点已经被分析师goldmansachs预测到了。
- It reserved some of its heaviest criticism for goldman sachs .
- 报告保留了一些对高盛公司的强烈批评。
- Ignighter was set up by adam sachs and his college friends in 2008 .
- 当初公司在2008年由adamsachs和他的大学同学创立。
- Sachs said 40 % of ignighter 's registered users in india are women .
- 而sachs则称,ignighter网站上40%的印度用户是女性。
- Or michigan law school or goldman sachs or mc kinsey or whatever .
- 或者进入密歇根法学院,或高盛集团或麦肯锡公司或别的什么地方。