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- Ms roy strives not to speak for palestinians , but to let their voices reverberate .
- 罗伊女士并非要设法为巴勒斯坦人说话,她只是努力让他们的声音产生广泛的影响。
- Some notable pop artists include andy warhol , roy lichtenstein , claes oldenburg and david hockney .
- 安迪沃霍尔、罗伊利希滕斯坦、克拉斯奥尔登堡和大卫霍克尼是著名的波普艺术家。
- Roy first proposed a model describing the local climate impact of wind farms in a 2004 paper .
- 在2004年的一份报告中罗伊第一次提出了一个描述风力发电场对当地气候的影响的模型。
- Eric cantona , roy keane and david beckham have come and gone but the scot 's regime had endured .
- 埃里克坎通纳、罗伊基恩和大卫贝克汉姆来了又去,但苏格兰人仍统治着球队。
- British photographer roy hancliff has devoted his retirement to capturing the aerial ballet of birds that visit his garden .
- 鸟类摄影师罗伊汉克立夫把退休时间都用来捕捉来他的花园观光的鸟类表演的空中芭蕾。
- Roy , who has had trouble with both of his knees , met with team executives on monday to discuss his future .
- 罗伊,这位饱受膝盖伤病影响的后卫,在周一的时候和球队老板讨论了自己的未来。
- According to roy , the nocturnal warming effect could offer farmland some measure of frost protection and may even slightly extend the growing season .
- 据罗伊说,夜间的保温效应可以给农场提供一些防霜措施,甚至也许会略微延长作物的生长期。
- Dr. roy wired his house with 11 cameras and 14 microphones to record most waking moments of his son 's first years .
- 罗伊博士在他的家中安装了11个摄像头和14个麦克风,以记录他儿子在出生后最初几年中大部分醒着的时刻。
- Roy didn 't win the grand prix that year , but he didn 't care . He knew he did the right thing .
- 虽然罗伊那年没有赢得一级方程式大赛冠军,但他并不在乎,因为他知道他做的事情是对的。
- Dr. roy co-founded a company called bluefin labs in 2008 to map in real time the responses from audiences to television shows and advertisements .
- 罗伊博士在2008年与他人合作创办了一家名为bluefinlabs的公司,其业务是勘察观众对电视演出和广告的即时反应。