Reddit 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The blogging site boing boing and social news website reddit also went black .
- 博客网站boingboing和社交新闻网站reddit也变成了黑色。
- They find occasional company amongst grammar and spelling enthusiasts on reddit , including one user who corrected mr obama 's article usage .
- 他们发现在红迪网上有些人还是对语法和拼写有着狂热的兴趣的,这其中就包括有人修改了奥巴马发表的文章中的句子。
- Social currency is an important part of online communities such as quora stackoverflow reddit and pinterest .
- 社会货币是诸如quorastackoverflowreddit和pinterest等网络社区的重要组成部分。
- They all wondered how reddit 's magic could work for them .
- 他们都想知道reddit的神奇之处可以为他们带来什么。
- Wikipedia will join the ranks of companies like reddit who have chosen protest sopa and pipa on january 18 .
- 维基百科将加入reddit公司的行列,reddit也将选择在本月18日抗议sopa和pipa法案。
- Videos are split into categories and top comments from reddit users appear beside the video player .
- 视频被划分成了不同的门类,而reddit上排名第一的视频评论会出现在视频播放器的边上。
- When attending a class , the urge to break off from paying attention and foray into reddit for some browsing and light learning can really effect your grades .
- 当你在课堂上集中注意力专心听讲学习时,偶尔的想要休息一下的念头可能会影响你的学业。
- Unlike in the u.s. , the german blogosphere also doesn 't have large social news sites like digg or reddit to bring readers to blogs .
- 同美国不同,德国博客圈没有digg或reddit这样能将读者吸引到博客上来的的大型社交新闻网站。
- Social bookmarking sites like digg and reddit let the users decide the main content of the site by voting on content that the users like .
- 网页收藏站点如digg、reddit等往往会让用户来决定什么内容会放在首页,使用的方法便是投票。
- Soon , reddit was getting millions of users every month -- a number that far surpassed the average american magazine .
- 很快,reddit达到了每月上百万的流量,这个数字甚至超过的美国的一般杂志。