Many of the 65 000 people who live here commute to professional jobs in chapel hill raleigh durham and greensboro .
This is professor michael rappa , speaking with you from north carolina state university in raleigh , north carolina , and I 'm here to talk about my course , managing the digital enterprise .
Beneath a plaque to sir walter raleigh , who governed the island from 1600 to 1603 , ministers , deputies and constables of the states of jersey debate heatedly how to spend their way out of economic crisis .
The research triangle area around the cities of raleigh and durham
The handshake is thought to have been introduced by sir walter raleigh in british court during the late 16th century .
Research psychologists at north carolina state university in raleigh recruited 103 volunteers , ages 60 to 82 , to perform simple arithmetic and recall tests .